The everyday life of a doctor, whether in dermatology or general medicine, is becoming increasingly complex and intensive. Additionally, time is usually short. These circumstances make it hard to know all facts by heart and still be up to date.

DermaCompass was developed out of this need. As an interactive digital source of reference, it makes the treatment of your patients faster and more reliable. Its vast image gallery offers support for differential diagnoses to back up your decisions. It is always up to date and close at hand on your desktop and in your pocket.


DermaCompass for Desktop and Mobile

Use DermaCompass on your desktop or download the free app.


Contents and Features

  • 369 diagnoses
  • 450 differential diagnoses
  • 159 therapies
  • 6,000+ high resolution pictures
  • Always up to date thanks to regular updates
  • Integration of dermatological guidelines
  • Medication directory (currently only available for Switzerland)
  • Dermatology textbook/reference book integrated (more than 1,000 "book pages")
  • Personalization: Mark texts, create your own notes
  • Share learning sections or notes


View Into the App

Picture from the app: Table of contents

Use the intelligent search function or the clear table of contents.


Picture from the app: Atopic eczema

All important information on the suspected diagnosis at a glance.


Picture from the app: Atopic eczema pictures

The image comparison feature supports your differential diagnosis.


Prof. Dr. med. Dr. sc. nat. Alexander Navarini (Content and Engine Design)
Vahid Djamei (Manager Engine and Database Programming)

Clinician Team / Editorial Team

Dr. med. univ. Florian Anzengruber (Complete Content)
Pract. med. Rahel Bianchi (Complete Content)
PD Dr. med. univ. Ahmed Jalili (Inflammatory Skin Conditions)
PD Dr. med. Laurence Feldmeyer MD PhD (Dermatopathology)
Dr. med. univ. Lisa Kostner (Investigations, Drugs)
PD Dr. med. Julia-Tatjana Maul (Immunmodulatorische Systemtherapien)
Dr. med. Carla Murer (Infectious Dermatoses)
Dr. med. Elisabeth Roider (Aesthetic Dermatology)
Dr. med. Stephan Nobbe (Diagnostics)


Derma One Logo


University Hospital Basel Logo


Swiss4ward Logo

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Contact and Licensing

Access to DermaCompass for individuals is free of cost.

If you're interested in a license for an organization, get in contact with your local Karger representative for a quote.