Introduction: Breast cancer (BC) is one of the most common health concerns among women and is the leading cause of cancer-related death around the world. Women, in particular young women, face unique and complex problems with BC. Physical, psychological, emotional, educational, and long-term BC-related problems have been recognized for these vulnerable populations. Besides BC patients, their families and relatives challenge with various problems such as financial and supportive issues in supporting these patients. Methods: The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the BC patient’s major problems and describe current supportive initiatives and programs that support these patients, their advancements to date, existing challenges, and possible future actions. Data collection took place by conducting a comprehensive search on the Internet, Medline, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases. We also discuss the contingency options, which lead to improving medical and supportive care, as well as overcoming barriers to providing comprehensive and optimal care and support for these unique groups of patients. Results: The result revealed that several comprehensive and well-developed BC programs and initiatives have been established around the world for providing and focusing on BC patient’s clinical care, supportive care, education, survivorship, navigation, and research. However, despite considerable advancement in this area, there are still significant challenges in addressing the BC patient’s needs. Conclusion: Evaluation of the current situation of BC patient’s treatment and quality of life highlighted the importance of developing and implementing the new and most efficient healthcare programs and protocols, as well as improving and optimizing the existing ones to improve and enhance the survival rate and quality of life of BC patients.

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