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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (2013) 75 (4): 207–210.
Published Online: 26 July 2013
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Tympanoplasty Surgery Success rate Smoking It is generally agreed that there are certain factors that can influence the short- and long-term success of tympanoplastic surgery, such as the patient's age, perforation size...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (2012) 74 (1): 28–32.
Published Online: 04 January 2012
...Kazım Bozdemir; Ahmet Kutluhan; Gökhan Yalçıner; Behçet Tarlak; Akif Sinan Bilgen Purpose: To compare clinical and audiological outcomes of the type 1 tympanoplasties where conchal cartilage (island graft) and temporalis fascia were used as the graft material. Procedures: In this retrospective...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (2011) 73 (6): 343–347.
Published Online: 22 October 2011
...Haidi Yang; Yiqing Zheng; Suijun Chen; Maojin Liang; Zhigang Zhang; Yaodong Xu; Xiang Liu Background/Aims: To evaluate the surgical outcome of tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy for cholesterol granuloma of the middle ear in post-irradiated patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods: Nine...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (2010) 72 (3): 159–167.
Published Online: 13 August 2010
..., quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Middle ear surgery, quality management Tympanoplasty Imaging of middle ear...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1991) 53 (6): 342–345.
Published Online: 12 January 2010
...Pierre Montandon; Claudia Chatelain Type V tympanoplasty with fenestration of the oval window and protection of the round window in a residual hypotympanic cavity can be considered as the last-chance procedure for rehabilitation of hearing in ears with ‘canal wall down’ or other conditions...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1982) 44 (6): 310–317.
Published Online: 07 January 2010
...Roberto Gamoletti; Carlo Zini; Mario Sanna; Alberto Bellomi The surgeon’s attitude towards the diseased middle ear mucosa during intact canal wall tympanoplasty has remained a controversial problem. Our approach consists of the complete removal of the irreversibly diseased mucosal lining. A planned...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1984) 46 (3): 165–172.
Published Online: 07 January 2010
... of the fistula, its location in the ear, the condition of the other ear, and the cochlear function. Our attitude has been changing, and currently we prefer to perform a staged closed tympanoplasty. When a closed technique is performed, we either remove the cholesteatoma matrix and then cover the fistula...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1984) 46 (2): 69–73.
Published Online: 07 January 2010
...Roberto Gamoletti; Alberto Bellomi; Mario Sanna; Carlo Zini The histological findings of 43 Plastipore TM Ossicular prostheses (26 TORPs and 17 PORPs) removed during revision tympanoplasty are described and discussed. 17 12 1982 24 03 1983 7 1 2010 © 1984 S. Karger AG, Basel...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1972) 34 (4): 227–239.
Published Online: 06 January 2010
...E.-A. Schnieder A report of 123 middle ear operations using a cyanoacrylate adhesive is presented. The results of healing and restoration of the hearing function are equal or better than those achieved by standard methods of tympanoplasty. Good results can be obtained only when the quantity used...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1974) 36 (3): 170–178.
Published Online: 06 January 2010
...Mirko Tos Tympanoplasty was combined with tubulation of the drum remnant with grummets in 74 patients with severe adhesive changes in the middle ear. 40 ears were dry at the time of operation, 34 were chronically discharging, and in such cases mastoidectomy with cavity obliteration...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1975) 37 (5): 257–270.
Published Online: 06 January 2010
...C.R. Pfaltz; R. Pfaltz; P. Schmid Success or failure of tympanoplasty depends on the following factors: (1) the anatomic and functional state of the tympanic membrane and the ossicles; (2) type, extension and activity of chronic otitis media at the time of surgery; (3) permanent restoration...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1979) 41 (2): 85–90.
Published Online: 06 January 2010
.... Acquired atresia Treatment of atresia Tympanoplasty Original Papers ORL47: 85 90 (1979) Treatment of Postinflammatory Acquired Atresia of the External Auditory Canal M. Tos and P. Bonding ENT University Clinic, The Gentofte Hospital, Copenhagen Key Words. Acquired atresia Treatment of atresia...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (2007) 69 (5): 299–305.
Published Online: 10 July 2007
... into three age groups: children younger than 9 years, adolescents aged 10–16 years, and adults. Cholesteatoma was classified as: attic, sinus and tensa cholesteatoma. Classical canal wall-up or wall-down tympanoplasty was performed in all the cases, and reoperation was done later if needed. Anatomical...