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Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1994) 56 (1): 36–39.
Published Online: 13 January 2010
...L. Wiklund; J. Bergenius; O. Perols Smooth pursuit (SP) and saccades (SC) as well as nystagmus were recorded with electro-oculography in 21 healthy subjects with manifest non-paralytic strabismus. A normal SP function under binocular conditions could be recorded in 67% of the subjects...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1980) 42 (5): 292–303.
Published Online: 07 January 2010
... of the system. In our investigations, the nystagmus was measured after a start or a stop in angular velocity. All determinations were carried out six times for 5 subjects. The time constant T, was calculated from the slope of the decay of the slow-phase eye velocity. Statistical evaluation of the results showed...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1982) 44 (5): 288–299.
Published Online: 07 January 2010
... mesodiencephalon except for tractus opticus, a part of nucleus lateralis posterior thalami and some parts of nucleus pretectalis anterior. The direction of the saccades was generally ipsilateral to the stimulation site. Although the saccades were not influenced by caloric nystagmus or in blindfolding, the pattern...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1974) 36 (2): 76–84.
Published Online: 06 January 2010
...E.M. Molnar; N. Torok The effect of fixation and nonfixation upon the caloric nystagmus was studied in 30 normal volunteers. All four nystagmus parameters (frequency, slow phase velocity, amplitude, and duration) were analyzed and statistically evaluated. This information in normals is essential...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1975) 37 (5): 290–298.
Published Online: 06 January 2010
... as possible. Our method, the circular eye-tracking test, is performed by means of an apparatus that provides a visual stimulus drawing a circle clockwise, at a rate of 120°/sec, with a radius of 25.5 cm, and viewed at a distance of 70 cm. Eye-tracking test Eye movements Electro-oculography Nystagmus...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1976) 38 (4): 206–217.
Published Online: 06 January 2010
... of unsteadiness often as if being slowly rocked indicates a functional disorder. 16 11 1975 19 12 1975 6 1 2010 Nystagmus Vertigo Rocking sensation © 1976 S. Karger AG, Basel 1976 Copyright / Drug Dosage / Disclaimer Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (2005) 67 (1): 56–60.
Published Online: 09 March 2005
... the patients were in their 50s. The vertigo and nystagmus in 29 patients fully resolved (grade I). Using this maneuver, 96.7% of patients became symptom free. Overall, the maneuver needed to be performed 1.97 times to control the symptoms. Based on these findings, CRP could be one of the most effective...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (2003) 65 (4): 223–225.
Published Online: 17 October 2003
... clinical alteration of the VOR during VNS was not observed. Vagus nerve stimulation Vestibulo-ocular reflex Epilepsy Epilepsy treatment Vestibular influences Nystagmus Case Report ORL 2003;65:223 225 DOI: 10.1159/000073120 Received: March 13, 2003 Accepted after revision: July 4, 2003 Influence...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (2000) 62 (2): 60–62.
Published Online: 10 March 2000
... in the frequency of spontaneous nystagmus and the degree of yaw head tilt between the groups. These data indicate the reliability and efficacy of osmotic pumps, and it might be possible to make guinea pig models using osmotic pumps to predict various grades of damage in the vestibular periphery of humans...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1999) 61 (2): 74–79.
Published Online: 08 April 1999
...). In patients with unilateral peripheral deficit a horizontal nystagmus with a small torsional component beating generally to the not affected side could be observed. This nystagmus did not show adaptation during 40 s. The occurrence was more frequent using 60-Hz stimulations. This vibration-induced nystagmus...