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Keywords: Electro-oculography
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Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1989) 51 (2): 130–134.
Published Online: 08 January 2010
... Nijmegen; bStudent of Informatics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Key Words. Electro-oculography Electronystagmography Saccade Smooth pursuit Optokinetic nystagmus Abstract. Programs have been developed for the Commodore 64/128, Amiga and BBC Acorn (Master) microcomputers to generate stimuli for eye...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1985) 47 (4): 207–215.
Published Online: 08 January 2010
... Electro-oculography ORL 47: 207-215 (1985) © 1985 S. Kargcr AG, Basel 0301-1569/85/0474-0207S2.75/0 Correlation between Vestibular and Cochlear Measures in Internal Ear Disorders M.G. Tsalighopoulos, Z. Chalabi Department of Neuro-Otology, Institute of Laryngology and Otology, University of London...
Journal Articles
Journal: ORL
ORL (1975) 37 (5): 290–298.
Published Online: 06 January 2010
... as possible. Our method, the circular eye-tracking test, is performed by means of an apparatus that provides a visual stimulus drawing a circle clockwise, at a rate of 120°/sec, with a radius of 25.5 cm, and viewed at a distance of 70 cm. Eye-tracking test Eye movements Electro-oculography Nystagmus...