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Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-33 (1938-1971) were published under the journal's former title Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica.
ORL 2023, Vol. 85, No. 2
Smell and Taste Corner
Olfactory Training Impacts Olfactory Dysfunction Induced by COVID-19: A Pilot Study
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
Special Collection:
Karger e-Journal Backfile Collection 2023
Simon Bérubé; Claudia Demers; Nicholas Bussière; Frank Cloutier; Valérie Pek; Angela Chen; Josiane Bolduc-Bégin; Johannes Frasnelli
ORL (2023) 85 (2): 57–66.
COVID-19-Related Quantitative and Qualitative Olfactory and Gustatory Dysfunction: Long-Term Prevalence and Recovery Rate
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
Special Collection:
Karger e-Journal Backfile Collection 2023
ORL (2023) 85 (2): 67–71.
Research Article
The Clinical Utility and Cost of Routine Staging Exam under Anesthesia for Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
Special Collection:
Karger e-Journal Backfile Collection 2023
Osama A. Hamdi; Michael I. Dougherty; Jk J. Rasamny; Mark A. Greyson; John J. Christophel; David C. Shonka Jr.; Katherine L. Fedder; Mark J. Jameson; Jonathan C. Garneau
ORL (2023) 85 (2): 72–79.
Specimen-Based Resection Margins and Local Control during Transoral Robotic Surgery for Oropharyngeal HPV-Mediated Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
Special Collection:
Karger e-Journal Backfile Collection 2023
Kelly R. Magliocca; Azeem S. Kaka; Emily M. Barrow; Matthew B. Studer; Christopher C. Griffith; Jacqueline Ernst; Tara Meade; Andrew Balicki; Brian J. Boyce; Nicole C. Schmitt; Andres M. Bur; Alessandra C. Schmitt; Ryan Jackson; Conor E. Steuer; Jonathan J. Beitler; Mihir R. Patel
ORL (2023) 85 (2): 80–87.
Audiometric and Self-Reported Outcomes in Patients with Otosclerosis and a Small Air-Bone Gap after Stapes Surgery
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
Special Collection:
Karger e-Journal Backfile Collection 2023
ORL (2023) 85 (2): 88–96.
Safe Limits of Lateral Nasal Wall Osteotomy at Le Fort I Surgery
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
Special Collection:
Karger e-Journal Backfile Collection 2023
ORL (2023) 85 (2): 97–103.
Clinical Study on the Risk Factors for the Recurrence of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
Special Collection:
Karger e-Journal Backfile Collection 2023
ORL (2023) 85 (2): 104–108.
Case Report
Nasal Septal Perforation Secondary to Graft-Versus-Host Disease
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
Special Collection:
Karger e-Journal Backfile Collection 2023
ORL (2023) 85 (2): 109–111.
Letter to the Editor
Diagnostic Delays in Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
Special Collection:
Karger e-Journal Backfile Collection 2023
ORL (2023) 85 (2): 112–114.