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February 2013
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ISSN 0301-1569
EISSN 1423-0275
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-33 (1938-1971) were published under the journal's former title Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica.
ORL 2012, Vol. 74, No. 6
Original Paper
Endoscopic Microvascular Decompression: A Stepwise Operative Technique
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2013) 74 (6): 293–298.
Surgical Closure of Nasoseptal Defects: Postoperative Patient Satisfaction
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2013) 74 (6): 299–303.
Reconstruction of Pharyngeal Defects with a Submental Island Flap after Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma Ablation
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2013) 74 (6): 304–309.
Steady State Auditory Evoked Potentials in Normal Hearing Subjects: Evaluation of Threshold and Testing Time
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2013) 74 (6): 310–314.
Incidence and Management of Epistaxis after Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2013) 74 (6): 315–319.
How I Do It
Labyrinthotomy or Vestibulotomy in Anatomic and Congenital Variations of the Oval Window and Facial Nerve
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2013) 74 (6): 320–324.
Original Paper
Presentation and Publication Rates among Women and Men at AAO-HNS Meetings
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2013) 74 (6): 325–329.
The VEGF/VEGF-R Axis in Sporadic Vestibular Schwannomas Correlates with Irradiation and Disease Recurrence
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
D. Koutsimpelas; M. Bjelopavlovic; R. Yetis; K. Frauenknecht; B. Adryan; I. Schmidtmann; H. Gouveris; K. Fruth; U.R. Heinrich; R.H. Stauber; W.J. Mann; J. Brieger
ORL (2013) 74 (6): 330–338.
Case Report
Contents Vol. 74, 2012
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2013) 74 (6): I–IV.