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September 2012
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ISSN 0301-1569
EISSN 1423-0275
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-33 (1938-1971) were published under the journal's former title Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica.
ORL 2012, Vol. 74, No. 4
Original Paper
Clinical Trial Results with the MED-EL Fine Structure Processing Coding Strategy in Experienced Cochlear Implant Users
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
Joachim Müller; Stefan Brill; Rudolf Hagen; Alexander Moeltner; Steffi-Johanna Brockmeier; Thomas Stark; Silke Helbig; Jan Maurer; Thomas Zahnert; Clemens Zierhofer; Peter Nopp; Ilona Anderson
ORL (2012) 74 (4): 185–198.
How I Do It
Low-Cost High-Speed Imaging System for Observing Vocal Fold Vibration in Voice Disorders
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2012) 74 (4): 208–210.
Case Report
Hemophagocytic Syndrome in the Course of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2012) 74 (4): 211–214.
Original Paper
Impact of Laryngeal Findings on Acoustic Parameters of Patients with Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2012) 74 (4): 215–219.
Long-Term Hearing Results and Otological Complications of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients: Comparison between Treatment with Conventional Two-Dimensional Radiotherapy and Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2012) 74 (4): 228–233.