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Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-33 (1938-1971) were published under the journal's former title Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica.
ORL 2006, Vol. 68, No. 4
Original Paper
Topical Application of Mitomycin C in Combination with Dexamethasone: Effective Delay of Myringotomy Closure
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2006) 68 (4): 185–188.
Cervical Lymph Node Metastases from Occult Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Analysis of 82 Cases
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2006) 68 (4): 189–194.
Practical Use of MESNA in Atelectatic Ears and Adhesive Otitis Media
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2006) 68 (4): 195–198.
First Findings Concerning Airflow in Noses with Septal Deviation and Compensatory Turbinate Hypertrophy – A Model Study
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2006) 68 (4): 199–205.
Surgical and Medical Complications following Cochlear Implantation: Comparison of Two Surgical Approaches
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2006) 68 (4): 213–219.
Efficacy of Gene Transfer through the Round Window Membrane: An in vitro Model
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2006) 68 (4): 220–227.
Relation of Isolated Tonsillar Hypertrophy with Body Mass Index
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2006) 68 (4): 228–231.
Preoperative Postural Control of Patients with Vestibular Schwannoma Assessed by Visual Feedback Posturography
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2006) 68 (4): 232–236.
Complications in Children with Long-Term Cochlear Implants
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (2006) 68 (4): 237–242.