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ISSN 0301-1569
EISSN 1423-0275
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-33 (1938-1971) were published under the journal's former title Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica.
ORL 1997, Vol. 59, No. 5
Original Paper
A Novel, Simple Organotypic Culture Method to Study the Organ of Corti from the Neonatal Gerbil
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (1997) 59 (5): 243–247.
Image Analysis of Neurofilament Immunoreactivity in Human Spiral Ganglion
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (1997) 59 (5): 258–262.
Effect of Streptomycin on the Otoconial Layer of the Guinea Pig
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (1997) 59 (5): 263–268.
Evaluation of the Vertical Semicircular Canal Function by the Pendular Rotation Test: A Study on Patients with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
Masahiro Iida; Makoto Igarashi; Akira Naitoh; Katsunori Ishida; Keisuke Endo; Kimihisa Nomura; Makoto Sakai
ORL (1997) 59 (5): 269–271.
Intraoperative Measurements of Auditory-Evoked Potentials in Three Patients with Acoustic Neuroma
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (1997) 59 (5): 272–276.
Dehiscences of the Horizontal Segment of the Facial Canal in Otosclerosis
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (1997) 59 (5): 277–279.
Evaluation of the Role of Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy and Facial Morphology in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (1997) 59 (5): 286–291.
Case Report
The Possible Effect of Pregnancy on Ménière’s Disease
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (1997) 59 (5): 292–295.
Occult Thyroid Carcinoma Manifested as a Large Mediastinal Tumor
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (1997) 59 (5): 296–299.
Letter to the Editor
Investigation of the Nasopharyngeal Bacterial Flora in Children with Otitis media with Effusion
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (1997) 59 (5): 300.
Comment to Reply
Subject Area:
Audiology and Speech
ORL (1997) 59 (5): 302.