Introduction: Radiofrequency turbinate volume reduction (RFTVR) is an effective treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy. RFTVR can reduce epithelial cell alterations in nasal mucosa. The aim of this observational study was to evaluate the effects of RFTVR on nasal obstruction and cytology, stratifying for different types of rhinitis. Methods: Nasal cytology and subjective nasal obstruction were evaluated on 113 patients before RFTVR (T0) and after 3 months (T1). The patients were divided into groups on the basis of the underlying disease: allergic rhinitis, nonallergic rhinitis, rhinitis medicamentosa, and other diseases (e.g., hormonal-based turbinate hypertrophy). Results: Nasal cytology at T0 identified 42 patients with allergic rhinitis, 40 with nonallergic rhinitis, 19 with rhinitis medicamentosa, and 12 with other diseases. An improvement of nasal cytology at T1 was observed in 29.2% of cases. They mainly consisted of patients with nonallergic rhinitis with neutrophils, whose neutrophil infiltrate decreased. Only 2 cases (1.7%) showed a worsening of nasal cytology at T1. A statistically significant decrease in subjective nasal obstruction was observed for every group (p < 0.05). Higher differences of nasal obstruction between T0 and T1 were found in patients with rhinitis medicamentosa or other diseases. Conclusion: RFTVR represents a safe and effective treatment for turbinate hypertrophy of various etiology. It is not responsible for a worsening of inflammatory infiltrate of the nasal mucosa.