Obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea (OSAH) syndrome constitutes a major health care problem. Surgical modalities for the treatment of OSAH are regaining momentum in view of the increasing prevalence of OSAH and the low compliance rates associated with continuous positive airway pressure. There are several investigations to complement clinical examination in accurately determining the level of airway collapse to ensure correct patient selection and a targeted surgical approach. The most commonly employed include drug-induced sleep endoscopy and imaging with the tongue base and epiglottis often revealed as the major sites of airway narrowing during sleep. In the continuing search for the optimal approach to address these areas, transoral robotic surgery (TORS) has been successfully used for tongue base reduction and epiglottoplasty. With sufficient experience, this technique is safe and well tolerated. Meticulous work-up and careful patient selection are crucial. Multiple studies have demonstrated very good short-term results of TORS for OSAH, with significant reduction in both the Apnoea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) and Epworth Sleepiness Score (ESS). With the appropriate infrastructure, proctoring, and access to robotic surgical technology, it is possible for these results to be reproduced more widely. Further prospective long-term clinical evaluation will ultimately determine the exact role of TORS in the treatment of OSAH.