Purpose of the Study: To evaluate the feasibility of including an additional step of transoral geniohyoidpexy in the transoral robotic tongue base reduction (TBR) and supraglottoplasty (SGP) procedure in order to better reproduce the classic Chabolle operation with expected similar outcomes but possibly with far less invasivity. Procedure: A da Vinci surgical system was used in 2 cadavers. Dissection was carried out via a transoral approach in the same setting of TBR and SGP, after completing the basic tongue base and supraglottic steps. Result: A complete geniohyoidpexy was performed transorally. After identification, the hyoid bone body was rapidly dissected free from the suprahyoid muscles near the midline to the inferior border. Conclusion: A transoral robotic access to the hyoid bone was demonstrated. The procedure proved to be feasible in the same robotic setting of TBR and SGP.