In 35 patients with thyroid-associated orbitopathy, nonresponsive to conservative treatment, an endonasal microscopic approach with bimural osteotomy was performed for decompression in two ways. While in group A the periorbita was resected, and fat septa were cut, in group B periorbital strips were left, and fat septa were respected. In accordance with other authors, resection of the periorbital and cutting fat septa will improve vision and proptosis, but in up to 30% of the patients de novo diplopia occurs. Our data favor the assumption that a more conservative endonasal microscopic decompression of the orbita leaving periorbital strips and fat septa achieves similar good results for reduction of proptosis and visual gain but creates less often de novo diplopia in primary gaze. Based on our experience, rehabilitation for thyroid-associated arbitopathy comprises as a first step orbital endonasal decompression with cooperation of the ophthalmologist, then if necessary as a second step strabismus surgery, and thirdly eyelid repair for scleral show.