If endocrine ophthalmopathy progresses despite conservative treatment then indications for surgical decompression are: loss of visual acuity, increasing strabism, and severe keratopathy. Endonasal microsurgery ensures a binocular view onto the intranasal landmarks of the orbital walls and allows simultaneous decompression of the medial and inferior wall as well as a good relief of pressure at the orbital apex. Surgical decompressions were performed on 29 orbits in 19 patients, 16 by using the endonasal microsurgical, 3 via external approach. The microscopic approach was entirely comparable with regard to the reduction of proptosis with a mean improvement of 4.2 mm against a mean of 4.7 mm by external approach and a mean 0.2 of better visual acuity in both procedures. The microsurgical technique is considered superior to an external approach avoiding external scars, neural pain, and reportedly less diplopia. The healing phase and the hospitalization time are shorter.