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Journal Articles
Ophthalmic Res (2020) 63 (6): 533–540.
Published Online: 09 March 2020
... caffeine concentrations in vitreous samples after peroral caffeine intake. Methods: This prospective study included patients scheduled for 23-G pars plana vitrectomy with membrane peeling due to epiretinal membranes. The study was performed in two parts: in the first part, patients were recruited...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (2016) 56 (4): 222–226.
Published Online: 29 June 2016
...Marie-José Tassignon; Sorcha Ní Dhubhghaill Background: The presence of a space between the posterior capsule and the anterior vitreous was first reported in 1887, but difficulties inherent in examining this structure made it impossible to visualize this area in vivo until now. Estimation...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (1990) 22 (1): 3–11.
Published Online: 10 December 2009
...Nava Naveh; Michael Belkin; Oded Ben-Chaim; Chana Weissman; Giora Treister We measured prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) and prostacyclin levels in the vitreous bodies of 5 eyes of patients with diabetic retinopathy complicated by rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) and compared them...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (1972) 3 (1): 38–45.
Published Online: 09 December 2009
...L. Welge-Lüssen; K.P. Schimmel The ascorbic acid concentration in the vitreous of rabbits was experimentally increased to about 20 times the normal value. After 1 day the concentrations of the free amino acids were conspicuously subnormal; the concentrations rose after 2–4 days and reached normal...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (1983) 15 (6): 318–323.
Published Online: 04 December 2009
... advertised or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Fluorophotometry Vitreous Aqueous...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (1986) 18 (2): 98–103.
Published Online: 04 December 2009
...Ola Sandgren; Per Westermark; Staffan Sîenkula Amyloid fibrils were isolated from the vitreous of 9 patients with familial amyloidosis. The material of all patients contained proteins reacting in double immunodiffusion with an antiserum against an amyloid protein which previously has been shown...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (1982) 14 (5): 317–325.
Published Online: 04 December 2009
...Janice M. Burke; Stanley J. Foster The injection of 1.1-μm latex particles into the rabbit vitreous elicits an intravitral invasion of macrophages. The particle-filled macrophages are initially restricted to the vitreous, are later found at the vitreoretinal interface, and by 6 weeks...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (1976) 8 (4): 302–310.
Published Online: 03 December 2009
...L. Welge-Lüssen; G. Stadler; H. Cattepoel Glucose, lactate, pyruvate and amino acids were determined in the aqueous and vitreous of pig eyes directly after enucleation and after 6 and 12 h incubation of the globes at 22 °C in a moist chamber. In the aqueous, after 6 h and especially after 12 h...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (1976) 8 (5): 374–378.
Published Online: 03 December 2009
... and androsterone. The metabolic activity of vitreous was very low and practically no metabolism occurred in aqueous. Inflammation due to Escherichia coli endotoxin significantly decreased testosterone metabolism in cornea and iris. 5 07 1976 4 10 1976 3 12 2009 © 1976 S. Karger AG, Basel...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (1977) 9 (4): 213–216.
Published Online: 03 December 2009
... Vitreous Rabbit Intraocular penetration Ophthal. Res. 9: 213-216 (1977) Tetracycline: Release from Hydrophilic Gel Contact Lens and Intraocular Penetration R. P raus an d L. K rej
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (1974) 6 (5-6): 291–300.
Published Online: 03 December 2009
... that the radioactive substances were released very rapidly from the contact lens; about 90% within the first hour of application. Radioactivity was then detected in the cornea, aqueous humour, crystalline lens, and vitreous in amounts decreasing with the duration of the experiment. A stepwise accumulation...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (1971) 2 (6): 337–343.
Published Online: 27 November 2009
...J. Price During the initial viscosity reduction phase, heparin inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase on rabbit and dog vitreous. The inhibition is thought to be competitive and blocks depolymeriza- Hyaluronic acidtion. An actual increase in relative was noted. Viscosity was determined...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (2007) 39 (3): 143–147.
Published Online: 15 May 2007
.... The aim of this study is to analyze the OPN levels in vitreous fluid obtained from diabetic retinopathy (DR) and non-DR patients. Methods: Nineteen patients out of 11 with DR and 8 without DR underwent pars plana vitrectomy and vitreous fluid was obtained simultaneously. Two distinct sandwich enzyme...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Ophthalmic Res (2004) 36 (1): 55–61.
Published Online: 12 March 2004
...Biju Raju; Geetha Thiagarajan; Taraprasad Das Purpose: To standardize the technique and methodology for estimating the level of vancomycin in human vitreous using a modified high-performance liquid chromatographic method. Methods: Sample preparation involved spiking the vitreous with known...