Gangliosides were isolated from human cataractous nuclei by solvent extraction, dialysis, and thin-layer chromatography and compared to gangliosides present in human whole normal and cataractous lenses. Three predominant gangliosides were tentatively identified as Gmi, Gm3, and Gdu, and several other resorcinol-positive components were observed in each of the sets of lens tissue. Thin-layer chromatographic patterns were similar, although some minor and possibly significant differences in band intensities were observed when chromatograms of gangliosides from cataractous nuclei and cataractous whole lenses were visually compared with those of whole normal lenses. Total ganglioside extracts were methanolyzed and the fatty acid methyl esters extracted with hexane and resolved by gas chromatography. Nervonic acid (C-24:1) content was increased in cataractous nuclei as compared to normal and cataractous whole lenses.