Introduction: The aim of the study was to report 5 cases of concomitant traumatic macular hole (TMH) and orbital fracture and discuss its incidence. Methods: This was a retrospective, observational study including all patients with orbital fracture who were referred to us from May 2013 to December 2023. Axial and coronal orbital computed tomographic images with bone and soft tissue window algorithms and optical coherence tomographic images were obtained from all patients. Results: Among 1,171 sides from 1,152 patients with pure orbital blowout fractures, we found 5 sides from 5 patients (0.4%) with concomitant TMH. All trauma was caused by baseball/softball injury. One patient had a medial orbital wall fracture with TMH stage 1b. Two had orbital floor fracture with TMH stages 2 and 3. The other two had both orbital floor and medial orbital wall fractures with TMH stages 3 and 4. Orbital fracture was reduced in 3 patients. Two had spontaneous closure of TMH with no improvement in visual acuity, while one improved with pars plans vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane peeling. Conclusion: The incidence of concomitant TMH and orbital fracture is only 0.4%. The rarity of this association supports the protective role of orbital fractures in blunt trauma. Specific mechanisms of trauma, such as impacts from baseballs and softballs, may increase the risk of such injuries.