The presence of isolated cotton-wool spots in normal fundi may indicate serious systemic disease. In this presentation 4 patients were examined for blurred vision or scotomas with sudden onset. Two of them were pregnant. Funduscopic examination revealed soft-appearing white spots in the temporal arcades in 3 patients and in the papillomacular bundle in 1 patient. Due to the lack of other fundus lesions 3 of the patients were initially treated for toxoplasmosis. The patients were seronegative for typical viral (HIV), antinuclear antibodies, bacterial infections, or toxoplasmosis. Blood pressures, glycosylated hemoglobin and blood counts were in the normal range. At the follow-up examinations subjective symptoms had improved and the spots disappeared or were smaller and showed more distinct borders, and no new lesions were detected. These cases suggest that isolated cotton-wool spots may occur without serious systemic disease in otherwise healthy subjects and the spots may be misinterpreted as acute inflammatory retinochoroidal lesions.