We evaluated ciliochoroidal effusion (CE) by ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) following diode endophotocoagulation at the end of the vitreoretinal surgery. The aim of our study was to assess any differences in the CE morphology following diode endophotocoagulation or transpupillary krypton photocoagulation, and to demonstrate the influence of diabetes and intravitreal surgery on CE formation. Sixty-six consecutive patients were divided in to four groups. Twenty-nine patients with proliferative retinopathy underwent transpupillary krypton photocoagulation; 11 diabetic patients underwent vitreoretinal surgery and diode endophotocoagulation; 18 nondiabetics underwent vitreoretinal surgery and diode endophotocoagulation; 8 consecutive nondiabetic patients were the control group and underwent vitreoretinal surgery, without laser treatment. UBM was performed in the four groups before and after laser treatment, if performed. We determined, by UBM, not only the presence, but also the thickness of CE. CE was present in all the patients treated by laser, diabetics and nondiabetics, and its thickness was not correlated with the number of laser spots (p = 0.28). CE was seen ultrasonically in all the patients undergoing transpupillary photocoagulation or endophotocoagulation, regardless of diabetes and surgical trauma.