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April 2018
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ISSN 2296-4681
EISSN 2296-4657
In this Issue
Ocular Oncology and Pathology 2018, Vol. 4, No. 3
Original Paper
Malpractice Litigation in Ocular Oncology
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 135–140.
Novel Insights from Clinical Practice
Juvenile Xanthogranuloma in a Pediatric Patient with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 141–144.
Original Paper
Uveal Melanoma: 5-Year Update on Incidence, Treatment, and Survival (SEER 1973-2013)
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 145–151.
Novel Insights from Clinical Practice
Atypical Fibroxanthoma of the Bulbar Conjunctiva: A Unique Case Describing the Pathology, Clinical Presentation, and Management
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 152–156.
Radiation Retinopathy 47 Years following Brachytherapy for Retinoblastoma
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 157–160.
Leser-Trélat Syndrome in a Male with Breast Carcinoma and Eyelid Basal Cell Carcinoma
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 161–164.
Congenital Orbital Rhabdomyosarcoma
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 165–169.
Clinical Research
A 20-Year Retrospective Review of Retinoblastoma at Two Tertiary Academic Hospitals in Johannesburg, South Africa
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 170–175.
Novel Insights from Clinical Practice
Early Neuroblastic and Astrocytic Differentiation Demonstrated Immunohistochemically in a Small Intraocular Medulloepithelioma
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 176–181.
Original Paper
Advanced Midzonal Iris Pigment Epithelial Cyst Managed by Aspiration Deflation
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 182–185.
Novel Insights from Clinical Practice
Malignant Orbital Meningioma Originating from the Frontal Lobe
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 186–190.
Letter to the Editor
Novel Insights from Clinical Practice
An Unusual Presentation of Esthesioneuroblastoma in a Young Pregnant Female
Ocul Oncol Pathol (2018) 4 (3): 192–195.