Background: The goal of the study was to evaluate the masticatory efficacy in patients who had been provided with resection prostheses after tumor removal in the maxillary/ mandibular region. These patients complained of impairment of masticatory function. Patients and Methods: 3 groups of patients were compared under clinical-experimental conditions. A uniform chewing material was masticated by the participants under standardized conditions. A sieving procedure was used to evaluate the masticatory efficacy. Analysis of the particle sizes and particle masses obtained was performed with the aid of computers. Results: The results showed that the masticatory efficacy of the patients with resection prostheses was the lowest of the 3 groups compared. The number of existing supporting zones and the location of the defect were found to be important influencing factors. Recording of the dietary habits of all patients was performed using a standardized dietary questionnaire. These data were analyzed using the corresponding software of the German Nutrition Society. With regard to the patients with resection prostheses, it was revealed that they often switched to food that did not require mastication. Conclusions: A nutritional guideline for patients with resection prostheses was developed, which is available for downloading free of charge on the Internet.