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Keywords: Extranodal lymphomas
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Oncology
Oncology (2008) 75 (1-2): 71–80.
Published Online: 12 September 2008
... confirmed the microarray data. A higher rate of p16 positivity was found in extranodal lymphomas. However, prognostic importance of p16 was associated with nodal rather than extranodal lymphomas. Conclusion: Our data suggest that a better distinction of these subgroups based on molecular classifiers...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Oncology
Oncology (2005) 67 (5-6): 382–389.
Published Online: 08 February 2005
... and epidemiological features of extranodal lymphomas in Kuwait. Extranodal lymphomas accounted for 45% of all NHL observed during this time. All NHL cases from Kuwait Cancer registry were analyzed and pathologically reclassified using the latest WHO (2000) classification. The most common lymphoma observed was diffuse...