Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of care and interdisciplinary cooperation in the palliative treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC), including the associated costs. Patients and Methods: 103 patients were enrolled from 13 institutions to reflect the existing clinical treatment reality and costs of palliative CRC treatment. We present the clinical outcome of the patients and compare the results obtained in the 3 centers with double-figure recruitment numbers (centers A, B, and C). Results: First-line treatment with 5-fluorouracil monotherapy was applied in exceptional cases. The regular treatment method comprised either an irinotecan- (30%) or an oxaliplatin-based regimen (32%). Biological agents were added to the treatment of 33 patients (32%). The median overall survival (OS) of the total patient collective was 25 months. The OS differed significantly in 2 out of the 3 centers, ranging between 27 and 11 months. Secondary metastasis resections were performed in 26% of the total patient collective. The center with the most favorable outcome results also had the lowest costs for palliative treatment and care, including the lowest drug costs. Conclusion: A combined chemotherapy treatment was the rule. Concerning biological agents, a significant lack of their application in first-line treatment and the quality of interdisciplinary cooperation have to be addressed. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

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