Hodgkin’s disease remains one of the few malignant diseases which can be cured by modern chemotherapy in most cases even in advanced stages. Adriamycin-containing chemotherapy regimens are considered as the standard therapy which induce long-term remission in about 60–70% of patients. The ABVD scheme, developed by Bonadonna and colleagues in Milan, has a favorable toxicity profile and causes less myelotoxicity, acute leukemia or sterility relative to many previous treatment programs containing alkylating agents. However, 20– 30 % of patients eventually relapse and are then frequently treated with high-dose programs including stem cell transplantation. There are two major goals in advanced Hodgkin’s disease: (1) to improve the cure rate and (2) to reduce acute and long-term toxicities. The recent definition of prognostic factors identified patients who are at a high risk of treatment failure as well as those in whom less toxic approaches can be applied. The optimal approach or program has not yet been defined, although new chemotherapy regimens such as BEACOPP and Stanford V with increased tumor response rates have been identified. These new drug combinations are currently analyzed and compared with ABVD in several international trials. While the addition of radiotherapy improved disease control in some trials a survival benefit was not identified and the role of radiotherapy remains controversial. High dose programs remain experimental in advanced stage Hodgkin’s disease and should be restricted to prospective clinical trials.

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