A regimen utilizing 5-fluorouracil at a dose of 30–35 mg/kg as one single rapid injection was contrasted with a schedule of 5- fluorouracil administered rapidly, intravenously at a dose of 13.5 mg/kg/day for each of five successive days in a randomized clinical trial in 98 patients with various metastatic adenocarcinomas. Fifty-one of these patients had carcinoma whose primary site of origin was unknown. Nine of 50 patients had an objective regression on the 5-day schedule (8 of 25 with unknown primaries) contrasted with 1 of 48 (0 of 26 with unknown primaries) regressions utilizing a single injection technique. The toxicity encountered included myelosuppression in about 60% of patients in both groups but gastrointestinal side effects were statistically significantly less utilizing the single injection technique. In this group of patients, 5-fluorouracil as a single injection technique proved to be significantly inferior compared to the conventional 5-day course of this drug.