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November 2016
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ISSN 1021-7401
EISSN 1423-0216
In this Issue
Neuroimmunomodulation 2016, Vol. 23, No. 3
The Possible Role of Toll-Like Receptor 4 in the Pathology of Stroke
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Stroke
Elham Hakimizadeh; Mohammad Kazemi Arababadi; Ali Shamsizadeh; Ali Roohbakhsh; Mohammad Allahtavakoli
Neuroimmunomodulation (2016) 23 (3): 131–136.
Original Paper
Exaggerated Increases in Microglia Proliferation, Brain Inflammatory Response and Sickness Behaviour upon Lipopolysaccharide Stimulation in Non-Obese Diabetic Mice
Barry McGuiness; Sinead M. Gibney; Wouter Beumer; Marjan A. Versnel; Inge Sillaber; Andrew Harkin; Hemmo A. Drexhage
Neuroimmunomodulation (2016) 23 (3): 137–150.
Multiple Autoantibodies and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders
Neuroimmunomodulation (2016) 23 (3): 151–156.
Immunological Profile in Individuals with Schistosomal Myeloradiculopathy
Ramon de Almeida Kruschewsky; Luciana Santos Cardoso; Jamille Souza Fernandes; Robson da Paixão de Souza; Diego Mota Lopes; Otavio Augusto Moreno de Carvalho; Maria Ilma Araujo
Neuroimmunomodulation (2016) 23 (3): 157–167.
Effects of the Sympathetic Nervous System on Regulatory T Cell and T Helper 1 Chemokine Expression in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome
Neuroimmunomodulation (2016) 23 (3): 168–178.
Rutin Acid Ameliorates Neural Apoptosis Induced by Traumatic Brain Injury via Mitochondrial Pathways in Mice
Neuroimmunomodulation (2016) 23 (3): 179–187.
Curcumin (Diferulolylmethane) Reduces Transglutaminase 2 Overexpression Induced by Retinoic Acid in Human Nervous Cell Lines
Neuroimmunomodulation (2016) 23 (3): 188–193.
Dr. James Matthew Lipton, 1938-2016
Neuroimmunomodulation (2016) 23 (3): 194–195.