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Keywords: Nephrolithiasis
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Nephron Physiology (2013) 122 (1-2): 1–6.
Published Online: 23 February 2013
... and nephrolithiasis, important medical problems whose pathogenesis is incompletely understood. Methods: We investigated 25 patients from 16 families with unexplained nephrocalcinosis and characteristic dental defects (amelogenesis imperfecta, gingival hyperplasia, impaired tooth eruption). To identify the causative...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Nephron Physiology (2010) 118 (1): p35–p44.
Published Online: 11 November 2010
.... Nephrolithiasis may be the manifestation of rare single gene disorders or part of more common idiopathic renal stone-forming diseases. Methods and Results: Molecular genetics has allowed significant progress to be made in our understanding of certain stone-forming conditions. The molecular defect underlying...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Nephron Physiology (2004) 98 (2): p48–p54.
Published Online: 19 October 2004
... Lactobacillus Nanobacteria Nephrolithiasis Oxalates Oxalobacter formigenes Oxaluria Urinary calculi Urolithiasis This review will summarize the possibilities of microorganisms having a role in the pathogenesis of kidney stones. The implications of this relatively small body of work...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Nephron Physiology (2004) 98 (2): p55–p63.
Published Online: 19 October 2004
... with actual nephrolithiasis. This article reviews the dietary factors thought to promote or inhibit the formation of calcium stones and discusses the current controversies in the field of nutrition and nephrolithiasis. Special attention is paid to the roles of dietary calcium, supplemental calcium, oxalate...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Nephron Physiology (2004) 98 (2): p43–p47.
Published Online: 19 October 2004
... Nephrolithiasis Calcium oxalate Crystal formation OPN is a remarkable multifunctional molecule predominantly present in bony tissues but it is also involved in diverse biological processes including inflammation, cell survival, immune responses and tumorigenesis which are beyond the scope of this review...