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Keywords: Intrauterine growth
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Journal Articles
Journal: Neonatology
Biology of the Neonate (1994) 66 (1): 56–64.
Published Online: 30 September 2009
... or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Birth weight Placenta Intrauterine growth Original Paper Biol Neonate 1994;66:56-64...
Journal Articles
Journal: Neonatology
Biology of the Neonate (1991) 60 (3-4): 176–183.
Published Online: 25 September 2009
... of the value of the ponderal index in the discrimination of underlying fetal disorders and its dependency upon the severity of the intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). In a cohort of 142 SGA infants we found 12 newborns with congenital anomalies; most of the newborns were disproportionally small. Fourteen...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Neonatology
Biology of the Neonate (1987) 51 (6): 312–323.
Published Online: 24 September 2009
... units in Hong Kong over a 3½-year period. The data were used to construct centile charts for the intrauterine growth of each physical measurement. By careful gestational assessment of the infants, primary exclusion of pregnancies complicated by abnormal fetal or maternal conditions that might have...
Journal Articles
Journal: Neonatology
Neonatology (2008) 95 (1): 23–32.
Published Online: 12 September 2008
.../L is a readily available index at birth that reflects the intrauterine nutritional state. 18 09 2007 12 12 2007 12 9 2008 Anthropometric indices Intrauterine growth Nutritional status Chinese infants formerly Biology of the Neonate Original Paper Neonatology 2009;95:23...
Journal Articles
Journal: Neonatology
Neonatology (2008) 94 (2): 71–74.
Published Online: 15 January 2008
... resistance with ensuing impaired glucose metabolism in adulthood. Since insulin is important for intrauterine growth, fetal insulin resistance might also influence birth weight of preterm neonates. Objectives: A common polymorphism in the promoter region of the human hepatic glucokinase (–258) is associated...
Journal Articles
Journal: Neonatology
Biology of the Neonate (2007) 92 (3): 164–173.
Published Online: 27 April 2007
.... Birth weight standard Twin Birth weight Gestational age Intrauterine growth Growth curves formerly Biology of the Neonate Original Paper Neonatology 2007;92:164 173 DOI: 10.1159/000102055 Received: August 2, 2006 Accepted after revision: December 11, 2006 Published online: April 27, 2007 Twin...
Journal Articles
Journal: Neonatology
Biology of the Neonate (2007) 91 (2): 101–106.
Published Online: 17 November 2006
... Infants Mustafa Akcakusa Selim Kurtoglua Esad Koklua Mustafa Kulab Selmin Koklua Departments of aPediatrics and bNuclear Medicine, School of Medicine, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey Key Words Intrauterine growth Leptin Bone mineral status Abstract Background: The positive relationship between fat...
Journal Articles
Journal: Neonatology
Biology of the Neonate (1999) 76 (5): 274–282.
Published Online: 07 October 1999
...Hasan Özkan; Adem Aydın; Namık Demir; Tayfun Erci; Atilla Büyükgebiz Fetal cord blood IGF-I, IGFBP-1 and IGFBP- 3 levels of appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) babies are studied and followed up for 6–9 months, reevaluated for anthropometric measures...