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Journal Articles
Journal: Neonatology
Biology of the Neonate (1996) 69 (6): 368–375.
Published Online: 30 September 2009
... or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Degranulation Granulocytes Polyunsaturated fatty acids Respiratory burst Biology o f the Neonate Original Paper Biol Neonate 1996;69:368-375 Antonio Ferranlea - d Kathie Carmana...
Journal Articles
Journal: Neonatology
Biology of the Neonate (1995) 67 (1): 26–33.
Published Online: 30 September 2009
... to in the content or advertisements. Complement receptor Immunoglobulin receptor Phagocytes Granulocytes Original Paper Biol Neonate 1995;67:26-33 A.E. Falconer'0 R. Carrc S. W. Edwardsa Department of Biochemistry and Haematology, University of Liverpool, and Department of Haematology, St. Thomas...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Neonatology
Biologia Neonatorum (1975) 27 (1-2): 121–124.
Published Online: 16 September 2009
... day of life was higher (121.0 ± 16.7 GAP score) than on the sixth day (68.6 ± 12.0 GAP score). The authors, discussing the possible cause of the increased alkaline phosphatase activity in granulocytes during the first day of life, cannot exclude the possibility that the GAP activity is influenced...