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This article was originally published in
Biology of the Neonate
ISSN 0006-3126
EISSN 1421-9727
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-14 (1959-1969) were published under the journal's former title Biologia Neonatorum and Vol. 15-90 (1970-2006) as Biology of the Neonate.
Biology of the Neonate 1995, Vol. 68, No. 4
Original Paper
Influence of Postnatally Administered Glucocorticoids on Rat Lung Growth
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Biology of the Neonate (1995) 68 (4): 229–245.
Pulmonary Effects after Surfactant Treatment in Premature Infants with Severe Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Biology of the Neonate (1995) 68 (4): 246–253.
Bone Mineral Status in Preterm-Born Children: Assessment by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Chikahide Hori; Hirokazu Tsukahara; Yasushi Fujii; Tooru Kawamitsu; Yukuo Konishi; Kazutaka Yamamoto; Yasushi Ishii; Masakatsu Sudo
Biology of the Neonate (1995) 68 (4): 254–258.
CD26 and CD31 Surface Antigen Expression on Human Colostral T Cells
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
A. Bertotto; F. Spinozzi; R. Gerli; G. Castellucci; G. Bassotti; S. Crupi; G.M. Fabietti; C. Vagliasindi; N. Forenza; P. Pazzelli; M. Bartolucci; R. Vaccaro
Biology of the Neonate (1995) 68 (4): 259–263.
Impaired Neutrophil Phagocytosis in Preterm Neonates: Lack of Correlation with Expression of Immunoglobulin or Complement Receptors
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Biology of the Neonate (1995) 68 (4): 264–269.
Effect of State of Alertness on the Heart Rate Response to Ocular Compression in Human Infants
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Biology of the Neonate (1995) 68 (4): 270–275.
Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology in the Former Soviet Union: Ukraine
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Biology of the Neonate (1995) 68 (4): 276–281.
Glucose and Insulin Tolerance Tests in the Rat on Different Days of Gestation
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Biology of the Neonate (1995) 68 (4): 282–291.
Molecular Forms of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Atria and Plasma from Fetal and Adult Female Rats
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Biology of the Neonate (1995) 68 (4): 292–300.