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Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-14 (1959-1969) were published under the journal's former title Biologia Neonatorum and Vol. 15-90 (1970-2006) as Biology of the Neonate.
Neonatology 2020, Vol. 117, No. 2
Publisher's Note
Publisher's Note
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 131.
Editorial Note
COVID-19 and Neonatal Resuscitation
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 132.
Neonatal Resuscitation Where the Mother Has a Suspected or Confirmed Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Infection: Suggestion for a Pragmatic Action Plan
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Daniele Trevisanuto; Laura Moschino; Nicoletta Doglioni; Charles Christoph Roehr; Maria Teresa Gervasi; Eugenio Baraldi
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 133–140.
Infection Control Measures for COVID-19 in the Labour Suite and Neonatal Unit
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 141–143.
Original Paper
Learning Curves for Training in Ultrasonography-Based Examination of Umbilical Catheter Placement: A Piglet Study
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Rikke Kaae; Kasper Jacobsen Kyng; Christian A. Frederiksen; Erik Sloth; Susanne Rosthøj; Sigrid Kerrn-Jespersen; Berit Eika; Jette Led Sørensen; Tine Brink Henriksen
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 144–150.
Use of a Mechanical Ventilator with Respiratory Function Monitoring Provides More Consistent Ventilation during Simulated Neonatal Resuscitation
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 151–158.
Comparison of Two Telemedicine Delivery Modes for Neonatal Resuscitation Support: A Simulation-Based Randomized Trial
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Isabel T. Gross; Travis Whitfill; Brooke Redmond; Katherine Couturier; Ambika Bhatnagar; Melissa Joseph; Daniel Joseph; Jessica Ray; Michael Wagner; Marc Auerbach
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 159–166.
Is Mother’s Own Milk Lactoferrin Intake Associated with Reduced Neonatal Sepsis, Necrotizing Enterocolitis, and Death?
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Theresa J. Ochoa; Karina Mendoza; Cesar Carcamo; Jaime Zegarra; Sicilia Bellomo; Jan Jacobs; Veerle Cossey
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 167–174.
Compliance with Guidelines and Efficacy of Heart Rate Monitoring during Newborn Resuscitation: A Prospective Video Study
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 175–181.
Cerebral Hemodynamics Are Not Affected by the Size of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 182–188.
Brief Report
Ventilated Infants Have Increased Dead Space and Lower Alveolar Tidal Volumes during the Early versus Recovery Phase of Respiratory Distress
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 189–192.
Clinical Trials
Randomized Controlled Trial of Nonsynchronized Nasal Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation versus Nasal CPAP after Extubation of VLBW Infants
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Alberto S. Estay; Gonzalo L. Mariani; Claudio A. Alvarez; Beatriz Milet; Daniel Agost; Claudia P. Avila; Liliana Roldan; Daniel A. Abdala; Rodolfo Keller; María F. Galletti; Alvaro González; for the NEOCOSUR Neonatal Network
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 193–199.
Letter to the Editor
Erratum - Commentary on “Pulse Oximetry Screening for Critical Congenital Heart Defects”
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 202.
Title Page: Sharing Progress in Neonatology (SPIN): Old Favorites: Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Necrotizing Enterocolitis plus some Global Neonatology and the Future of Clinical Trials
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 203.
Sharing Progress in Neonatology (SPIN): Old Favorites – Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Patent Ductus Arteriosus, and Necrotizing Enterocolitis plus Some Global Neonatology and the Future of Clinical Trials: Incorporating the Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Surfactant Replacement
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 204–206.
12th Bengt Robertson Memorial Lecture
Improving the Efficiency and Impact of Clinical Research: A Game Changer for 21st Century Neonatology
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 207–210.
Improving Global Newborn Survival: Building upon Helping Babies Breathe
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 211–216.
Optimal Ventilation and Surfactant Therapy in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants in Resource-Restricted Regions
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Lizelle Van Wyk; Lloyd Tooke; Ricky Dippenaar; Natasha Rhoda; Lizel Lloyd; Sandi Holgate; Richard Alexander; Johan Smith
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 217–224.
Defining “Haemodynamic Significance” of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus: Do We Have All the Answers?
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 225–232.
Using Experimental Models to Identify Pathogenic Pathways and Putative Disease Management Targets in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 233–239.
Necrotizing Enterocolitis: The Future
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 240–244.
Acetaminophen and the Developing Brain: Reason for Concern?
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 245–248.
Acetaminophen Use in Pregnant Women and Their Neonates: Safe or Unsafe till Proven Otherwise?
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 249–251.
Sharing Progress in Neonatology (SPIN): Old Favorites: Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Necrotizing Enterocolitis plus some Global Neonatology and the Future of Clinical Trials
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 252–257.
Author Index
Author Index
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2020) 117 (2): 258.