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Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-14 (1959-1969) were published under the journal's former title Biologia Neonatorum and Vol. 15-90 (1970-2006) as Biology of the Neonate.
Neonatology 2018, Vol. 113, No. 2
Original Paper
The Cerebellar-Cerebral Microstructure Is Disrupted at Multiple Sites in Very Preterm Infants with Cerebellar Haemorrhage
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Vera Neubauer; Tanja Djurdjevic; Elke Griesmaier; Marlene Biermayr; Elke Ruth Gizewski; Ursula Kiechl-Kohlendorfer
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 93–99.
Early Nutrition and Growth until the Corrected Age of 2 Years in Extremely Preterm Infants
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 100–107.
BMI Is a Better Body Proportionality Measure than the Ponderal Index and Weight-for-Length for Preterm Infants
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
A. Nicole Ferguson; Shannon C. Grabich; Irene E. Olsen; Rebecca Cantrell; Reese H. Clark; Wendy N. Ballew; Jeffrey Chou; M. Louise Lawson
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 108–116.
Novel Insights from Clinical Practice
The Use of Peritoneal Dialysis in Phenobarbitone Toxicity in a Critically Unwell Neonate
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 117–121.
Original Paper
Structural Pulmonary Abnormalities Still Evident in Schoolchildren with New Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 122–130.
Early Use of Mother's Own Raw Milk, Maternal Satisfaction, and Breastfeeding Continuation in Hospitalised Neonates: A Prospective Cohort Study
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Céline J. Fischer Fumeaux; Angélique Denis; Malika B. Prudon; Frank Plaisant; Christine Murielle Essomo Megnier-Mbo; Laetitia Fernandes; Sandrine Touzet; Olivier Claris; Sophie Laborie
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 131–139.
Classifying Apnea of Prematurity by Transcutaneous Electromyography of the Diaphragm
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Juliette V. Kraaijenga; Gerard J. Hutten; Cornelia G. de Waal; Frans H. de Jongh; Wes Onland; Anton H. van Kaam
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 140–145.
Topical Coconut Oil in Very Preterm Infants: An Open-Label Randomised Controlled Trial
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 146–151.
The Laryngeal Mask Airway and Its Use in Neonatal Resuscitation: A Critical Review of Where We Are in 2017/2018
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Satvik Chaitanya Bansal; Stefano Caoci; Eugene Dempsey; Daniele Trevisanuto; Charles Christoph Roehr
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 152–161.
Sources of Neonatal Medicine
Cot Death: History of an Iatrogenic Disaster
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 162–169.
Original Paper
Diagnosis and Management of Necrotizing Enterocolitis: An International Survey of Neonatologists and Pediatric Surgeons
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Mélanie Valpacos; Delphine Arni; Amy Keir; Ann Aspirot; James C.H. Wilde; Spencer Beasley; Daniele De Luca; Riccardo E. Pfister; Oliver Karam
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 170–176.
Novel Insights from Clinical Practice
Is There More to Zika? Complex Cardiac Disease in a Case of Congenital Zika Syndrome
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Asimenia Angelidou; Zoe Michael; Arda Hotz; Kevin Friedman; Sitaram Emani; Kerri LaRovere; Helen Christou
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 177–182.
Short Communication
Effect of Prophylactic Indomethacin in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants Based on the Predicted Risk of Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage
Subject Area:
Women's and Children's Health
Elizabeth E. Foglia; Robin S. Roberts; Jason Z. Stoller; Peter G. Davis; Ross Haslam; Barbara Schmidt; for the Trial of Indomethacin Prophylaxis in Preterms Investigators
Neonatology (2018) 113 (2): 183–186.