The interaction between solute and water in epithelial transport is represented by the solute reflection coefficient. Because the osmotic water transport process changes in the rabbit proximal tubule during maturation, there is a potential for the solute reflection coefficients to also undergo maturational changes. In the present study, we directly examined solute reflection coefficients in neonatal and adult brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) using the stop-flow light-scattering technique. Reflection coefficients for NaCl, KCl, NaHCO3 and urea were found to be identical in the neonatal and adult BBMV and were not different from 1. Thus, although the water transport pathway undergoes changes in the proximal tubule during maturation, there is no evidence for changes in solute and water interaction. Because the reflection coefficients are not different from 1, there is no evidence for solvent drag in the proximal tubule apical membrane in either the neonatal or adult tubule.