Because of the possible involvement of group-specific component (Gc) or vitamin-D-binding protein in the immunological functions of mononuclear cells and the increased risk of central nervous system infections in early infancy, we studied Gc levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of children. CSFs were examined for the Gc concentration using ELISA and rocket immunoelectrophoresis, with purified Gc as standard. The results showed a significant inverse correlation (p < 0.05) between the age of the patients and CSF Gc levels. Gc levels in the CSF were significantly increased in infants < 2 months of age (12.5 μg/ml), as compared to infants > 2 months (1.7 μg/ml, p < 0.0028). In children > 2 months of age a significant correlation was found between Gc levels and those of other CSF proteins (albumin, IgG and total protein, p < 0.002). However, no significant correlation between Gc levels and those of other CSF proteins was apparent in infants < 2 months of age, indicating the possibility that the concentration of Gc in the CSF may be selectively increased in this age group.