The relationship between the induction of hepatic phosphopyruvate carboxylase activity and the incorporation in vivo of 14C from lactate into glucose and glycogen was determined in rats during the first 6 h after surgical delivery. Phosphopyruvate carboxylase activity and gluconeogenic capacity were extremely low at the time of delivery. After the first hour phosphopyruvate carboxylase increased markedly, but the development of gluconeogenesis lagged behind that of the enzyme and increased slowly during the first 2 h. Thereafter it increased rapidly in an almost linear manner. The administration of actinomycin D at delivery prevented the synthesis of glucose and glycogen 4 and 6 h later. If phosphopyruvate carboxylase had previously been induced in utero, the animals were unable to synthesize glucose and glycogen immediately after delivery, but the postnatal development of the process was very rapid with only a slight lag.