Stress-induced activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis stimulates the release of both facilitatory and inhibitory components. We proposed that the transient removal of the inhibitory component, corticosterone, during a stressor would leave the HPA axis in a state of hyper-responsiveness (facilitated state). Consistent with this expectation, we have previously observed that aminoglutethimide (AG)-induced removal of corticosterone during an immobilization stressor resulted in the hypersecretion of both ACTH and corticosterone to a subsequent stressor. In the present study we determined the effect of stressor duration on the magnitude of facilitation. AG plus a 10-min immobilization (IMM10) stress on day 1 resulted in facilitation of the HPA axis. This was reflected in higher ACTH and corticosterone responses to an injection stress on day 2 as compared to appropriate control rats. AG plus a 60-min immobilization (IMM60) stress on day 1 resulted in significantly greater facilitation as compared to the AG+IMM10 pretreatment. It is apparent that facilitation of the HPA axis is dependent on the duration of stress. Stress can alter plasma corticosterone-binding globulin levels and AG administration can cause accumulation of the corticosterone biosynthetic precursor, adrenal cholesterol. In order to rule out these peripheral reasons for the hypersecretion of ACTH and corticosterone in our paradigm, we measured the plasma free fraction of corticosterone and adrenal mitochondrial cholesterol levels on day 2 after different pretreatments on day 1. AG+IMM60 pretreatment caused a significant increase in the plasma free fraction of corticosterone. Hypersecretion of ACTH and corticosterone in this group, despite an enhanced feedback signal, suggests central loci for the origin of facilitation. Also, AG treatment on day 1 did not result in accumulation of free or esterified adrenal cholesterol levels on day 2, and therefore cannot account for the hypersecretion of corticosterone. In our final study we attempted to determine if serotonin released during the first stressor is partially responsible for stress-induced facilitation of the HPA axis. We administered 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (DPAT), a 5HT1A agonist, either alone or in conjunction with stress and examined the effects of these pretreatments on the magnitude of facilitation. Interestingly, DPAT administered in lieu of stress produced facilitation similar in magnitude to that produced by IMM10. DPAT adminsitered in conjunction with IMM10 augmented stress-induced facilitation. Our results suggest that stress-induced facilitation of the HPA axis is associated with the release of serotonin during stress.

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