It has been suggested that atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is the long-sought inhibitor of corticotropin (ACTH) secretion, but the evidence is conflicting. We have examined the effect of ANP and C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) on the secretion of ACTH by perifused equine pituitary cells in an in vitro milieu intended to mimic the in vivo milieu in the horse. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (20 pM) and cortisol (0 or 100 nM) were perifused continuously and 7 pulses of arginine vasopressin (AVP; 10 nM) applied for 5 min at 30-min intervals. ANP (1 nM) or CNP (1 nM) were perifused continuously for 75 min, beginning before the 3rd AVP pulse. Neither ANP nor CNP, with or without cortisol, significantly altered the ACTH secretory response to the AVP pulses. We conclude that these natriuretic peptides are unlikely to act at the pituitary as rapid inhibitors of ACTH secretion in the horse.