The emergence of kisspeptin as a crucial regulator of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis over the last 14 years has answered many questions as to the control of reproductive hormone secretion from the hypothalamus. More recently, the role of kisspeptin outside the HPG axis has received increasing attention in the hope of delineating the pathways linking various sensory and social behaviours to reproduction. These studies, in a range of species from zebrafish to humans, have identified a role for kisspeptin in behavioural networks related to reproduction including olfaction, audition, fear, anxiety, mood, and sexual arousal. The available evidence suggests that extrahypothalamic kisspeptin signalling encourages positive aspects of emotional and sexual brain processing in a presumed drive towards reproduction and ultimately maintenance of the species at a population level. In this review, we examine these studies, which collectively propose that kisspeptin may integrate sexual and emotional brain processing with the control of the HPG axis.

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