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Keywords: Serum phosphate
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Nephron
Nephron (1982) 31 (2): 116–122.
Published Online: 03 December 2008
... to twice the upper limit of normal. In contrast, 36 patients with a creatinine clearance below < 20 ml/min had an 80% elevated iPTH, up to 5 times the upper limit of normal. The patients with ERF and elevated iPTH had a lower serum calcium but no higher serum phosphate than those with normal iPTH...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Nephron
Nephron (1977) 19 (1): 12–18.
Published Online: 28 November 2008
... and Charles F. Moore1 Veterans Administration Hospital: George Washington University, and Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Key Words. Serum calcitonin Chronic renal disease Serum gastrin Serum phosphate Serum calcium Abstract. High levels of serum calcitonin were found in patients with chronic...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Nephron
Nephron (1977) 19 (1): 44–52.
Published Online: 28 November 2008
... of animals, a reverse linear relationship was noted between the serum phosphate level and the tubular fluid bicarbonate concentration (TFHCO 3 ). For the intact dogs, TFHCO 3 = 32.27 SUFp ± 2.17, r = 0.715, p = 0.02, and for the TPTX dogs, TFHCO 3 = 35.68 – 2.39 SUFP ± 2.26; r = 0.619, p < 0.02...