We determined the relationship between the levels of serum cystatin C or creatinine (s-Cr) and the grade of creatinine clearance (CCr) in patients with various glomerular diseases. Serum samples from 96 patients with glomerular diseases were obtained from our hospital. The levels of serum cystatin C were measured using the Dade Behring Cystatin C assay with the automated Dade Behring Nephelometer II (BNII). CCr levels were classified into six groups according to the Guidelines of the Japanese Society of Nephrology as follows: grade 1 (normal renal function); grade 2 (slight decrease of renal function); grade 3 (moderate decrease of renal function); grade 4 (severe decrease of renal function); grade 5 (renal failure), and grade 6 (uremia). The mean levels of serum cystatin C in grade 3 patients were significantly higher than those in grade 1. The mean levels of serum cystatin C in grades 4, 5 and 6 patients were also significantly higher than those in grade 1. However, the mean levels of serum Cr in grade 3 patients were not significantly higher than those in grade 1. The levels of s-Cr in grades 4, 5 or 6 patients were significantly higher than those in grade 1. In this study, an increase of serum cystatin C levels occurred earlier than that of s-Cr in various glomerular diseases. It appears that the levels of serum cystatin C may provide early prognostic marker of patients with various glomerular diseases rather than the levels of s-Cr.