Literature data on renin in the nephrotic syndrome are conflicting: renin values are reported to be elevated as the rule, but sometimes normal or low; data on renin substrate are scanty and pointing to low values. In the present study, plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma renin substrate (PRS) were measured in 27 episodes of the nephrotic phase in 24 patients with nephrotic syndrome with various lesions. 10 patients were reinvestigated after remission; 1 patient could be followed during development of the edema phase as well as during prednisone-induced remission. During the nephrotic phase, PRS was suppressed in 8%, normal in 44 and elevated in 48%, while PRA was suppressed in 41%, normal in 48 and elevated in 11% of the patients. After remission, PRA increased in 70% and PRS decreased in 20 and increased in 50% of the cases. The purpose of this study was to investigate PRA and PRS in nephrotic patients; it is concluded that low PRS and high PRA are not as characteristic for the nephrotic syndrome as they are generally thought to be.