About 30% of children with nephrotic syndrome (NS) have inherited forms. Among them, mutations in Wilms tumor suppressor gene 1 (WT1) are a well characterized cause associated with steroid-resistant NS, Wilms tumor, and urogenital malformation in males. However, the role of WT1 mutations in adult-onset focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is unclear. We report the case of a 38-year-old female with FSGS. She had been diagnosed with streak ovaries during diagnostic workup for infertility. Mutational analysis identified the heterozygous mutation c.1372C>T (p.Arg458*) in WT1 and the heterozygous non-neutral polymorphism c.868G>A (p.Arg229Gln) in NPHS2. Chromosomal analysis revealed a normal 46,XX female karyotype. Our case highlights that WT1 mutations should be considered in XX females with adult-onset FSGS, especially if urogenital abnormalities are present.