Increasing evidence in the literature suggests an important role for advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the generation of a state of increased oxidative stress and chronic subclinical inflammation, which underlies most modern chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Although AGEs were originally thought to form only endogenously, primarily as the result of the hyperglycemia of diabetes, it is now clear that exogenous AGEs, specially incorporated in foods, are an important contributor to the body pool of AGEs. Over the past decade, several clinical trials have been performed in a variety of conditions demonstrating that the application of an AGE-restricted diet reduces not only the systemic levels of AGEs but also the levels of markers of oxidative stress and inflammation. This has been shown in CKD patients before and after the initiation of dialysis and either in the presence or absence of coexistent diabetes. Reduction of the AGE content in food is obtained by simple changes in culinary techniques and appears to be a feasible, easily applicable and safe intervention, even in advanced CKD patients.