The present studies compare clearance (K) for varying molecular weight (MW) solutes, Urea (U), Uric acid (Ua), BSP and B12 in hollow fiber kidneys (HFK) before and in reused hollow fiber kidneys (RHFK) after five hemodialyses. In 10 RHFK, 3 % H2O2 was perfused in the dialysate compartment to clear residual blood. Five RHFK were cleaned with water (W) alone. Fiber bundle volume (FBV) before each use was > 75 ml. RHFK with H2O2 appeared cleaner than with W. KU was 168 ± 6,134 ± 12, and 152 ± 10 ml/min; KUa was 144 ± 11, 89 ± 12, and 101 ± 6 ml/min; KBSP was 50 ± 7, 29 ± 7, and 42 ± 6 ml/min, and KB12 was 15 ± 2,7 ± 2 and 11 ± 2 ml/min with HFK before, RHFK with H2O2, and RHFK with W, respectively. The percentage decrease in K was greater for higher MW solutes. HFK cleaning with H2O2 before dialysis did not change solute transport markedly. The data suggest: (1) there is relatively greater decrease in middle molecule clearance than small molecule in RHFK, and (2) with comparable FBV, clearance is better (p < 0.01) for RHFK with W than RHFK with H2O2.