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Keywords: undernutrition
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Nephron Clinical Practice (2011) 118 (Suppl. 1): c153–c164.
Published Online: 06 May 2011
... responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Nutrition chronic kidney disease dialysis undernutrition overnutrition Nephron Clin Pract 2011;118(suppl 1):c153 c164 DOI: 10.1159/000328067...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Nephron Clinical Practice (2004) 97 (2): c61–c66.
Published Online: 17 November 2004
... to in the content or advertisements. Birth weight Blood pressure Hypertension Protein-energy malnutrition Undernutrition Protein-energy malnutrition remains a major public health problem in developing countries. Approximately 33% (182 million) of children under 5 years of age in developing...