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Journal Articles
Neurodegener Dis (2022) 22 (1): 29–33.
Published Online: 29 November 2022
...Landis E. Llewelyn; Myriam Kornisch; Hyejin Park; Toshikazu Ikuta Background: While the hippocampus is not part of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway, influence of Parkinson’s disease (PD) on the hippocampus has been consistently implicated. However, it is not clear how the hippocampal changes...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Neurodegener Dis (2017) 17 (6): 235–241.
Published Online: 26 July 2017
... and their association with clinical and neuropathological variables are lacking during the clinical progression of Alzheimer disease (AD). Methods: We quantified levels of the GSAP precursor (98 kDa) and its active form (16 kDa) in the frontal cortex and hippocampus, areas displaying extensive Aβ and neurofibrillary...
Journal Articles
Neurodegener Dis (2017) 17 (4-5): 145–154.
Published Online: 27 April 2017
... overlap between AD and FTLD-TDP, namely in memory deficits. Alzheimer disease Frontotemporal lobar degeneration Microglia Hippocampus Memory Microglial cells are the predominant resident immune cells of the central nervous system and are considered as tissue-resident macrophages...
Journal Articles
Neurodegener Dis (2014) 13 (2-3): 86–92.
Published Online: 24 September 2013
... affected by apoE4. The suggestion that the behavioral impairments of the apoE4 mice are related to the hippocampal neuropathology of these mice is further supported by the fear conditioning test. This test revealed that the performance of the apoE4 mice in the contextual component, which is hippocampus...
Journal Articles
Neurodegener Dis (2012) 11 (2): 93–101.
Published Online: 03 October 2012
... trial-by-trial feedback, while other forms of learning, such as hippocampal-dependent episodic memory, remain intact. Interestingly, it has been suggested that the striatum and the hippocampus compete during learning, leading to the intriguing prediction that the striatal disruption in PD could lead...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Neurodegener Dis (2012) 10 (1-4): 216–219.
Published Online: 04 February 2012
... occur during the earliest stages of cognitive decline remains unclear. We examined protein levels of presynaptic synaptophysin (SYP) and synaptotagmin (SYT), and postsynaptic drebrin (DRB), a marker for dendritic spine plasticity, in the hippocampus of people with an antemortem clinical diagnosis...
Journal Articles
Neurodegener Dis (2011) 9 (1): 31–37.
Published Online: 20 October 2011
...: To investigate changes in TNAP activity in the hippocampus in both sporadic and familial AD, and to examine whether changes in neuronal TNAP are reflected systemically by looking at changes in plasma TNAP activity in AD. Methods: We measured the activity of TNAP in the hippocampus in sporadic AD, familial AD...
Journal Articles
Neurodegener Dis (2010) 6 (5-6): 221–229.
Published Online: 09 September 2009
...Jurjen W. Westra; Serena Barral; Jerold Chun Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by extensive neuronal death in distinct brain regions, including the frontal cortex and hippocampus, although the specific mechanisms of neuronal degeneration in AD remain a topic of intense scientific pursuit...
Journal Articles
Neurodegener Dis (2006) 2 (5): 273–276.
Published Online: 22 February 2006
...(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Amyloid Dementia Vaccination Immunization Hippocampus Diseases Special Topic Section: Immunotherapies and Related...
Journal Articles