Introduction: Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE ε4) polymorphism is a known genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Objectives: To evaluate the role of ApoE ε4 on white matter structural integrity in AD. Methods: Subjects were 32 patients with probable AD (ApoE ε4-positive: n = 15) and 18 matched controls (ApoE ε4-positive: n = 6). All subjects were right-handed, evaluated using standard scales and genotyped at the ApoE locus. Diffusion tensor imaging was performed with a 3-tesla MRI scanner and analyzed using the tract-based spatial statistics method. Results: AD patients had significantly lower fractional anisotropy (FA) in bilateral temporoparietal, limbic and parahippocampal regions in comparison to healthy comparison subjects. ApoE ε4 carriers among both AD and healthy comparison subjects showed lower FA in limbic and medial temporal regions. Conclusions: There is a modest association between ApoE ε4 carrier status and reduction in white matter tract integrity at medial temporal and limbic regions in both healthy and AD subjects.