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Keywords: Smoking
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2015) 24 (5): 465–469.
Published Online: 23 June 2015
...Ebru Özsezer Demiryürek; Elif Eser Sakallıoğlu; Elif Kalyoncuoğlu; Yeliz Yılmaz Miroğlu; Umur Sakallıoğlu Objective: We aimed to investigate the effect of smoking on the osmotic pressure (OP) of human dental pulp tissue. Materials and Methods: Sixty male dental patients (smokers and nonsmokers...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2013) 22 (6): 576–582.
Published Online: 07 September 2013
... of cessation activities. One hundred (76%) participants strongly agreed that there was an expectation for them to perform cessation activities in their clinics. Fourteen (10%) respondents felt very confident about their cessation counseling skills. Conclusions: Findings showed that smoking cessation practices...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (1989) 1 (3): 121–127.
Published Online: 17 September 2008
... drug intake Smoking Nutrition Environmental contamination Genetic factors Reviews Med Principles Pract 1989;1:121-127 Prevention of Congenital Malformations Josef Warkany Children s Hospital Research Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA © 1989 S. Kargcr AG. Basel 1011-7571/89/0013-012IS2.75/0 Key...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (1989) 1 (1): 2–11.
Published Online: 17 September 2008
...C. du V. Florey The effects of involuntary smoking are reviewed in terms of lung cancer, chronic respiratory and ischaemic heart diseases in adults and respiratory disease and growth in children. The evidence for real effects is weak but sufficient to merit concern. Future research must include...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (1990) 2 (3-4): 199–208.
Published Online: 17 September 2008
... for weight control. The high ratio of cholesterol to high-density lipoproteins, a short exercise time, cigarette smoking, elevated blood pressure, a family and personal history of CHD, affluent socioeconomic status, triglycerides, body fat and a raised serum glucose level were estimated to be the main...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2006) 15 (5): 338–342.
Published Online: 09 August 2006
... with a diagnosis of SP were reviewed. Analyses of pneumothorax rates by age, sex, smoking, body mass index (BMI) and climatic conditions were evaluated. Results: Of the 254 patients, 242 (95%) were male and 12 (5%) were female; a larger proportion of 180 (88%) were Kuwaitis and 74 (12%) were expatriates. Two...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2003) 12 (Suppl. 1): 22–32.
Published Online: 25 April 2003
...Jesper Reibel It is well known that smoking contributes to the development of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease, and there is weighty evidence that it has a considerable influence on oral health. Smoking has many negative effects on the mouth, including staining of teeth and dental...