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June 2008
ISSN 1011-7571
EISSN 1423-0151
In this Issue
Medical Principles and Practice 2008, Vol. 17, No. 4
The Neurology of Psychosis
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 263–269.
Original Paper
Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Kuwaiti Children and Adolescents
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Mohamed A.A. Moussa; Mayra Alsaeid; Nabila Abdella; Thanaa M.K. Refai; Nashami Al-Sheikh; Joseph E. Gomez
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 270–275.
Surgical Intervention for Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies in Adults: A Case Series
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Theodoros Syrakos; Emmanouil Zacharakis; Polichronis Antonitsis; Evangelos Zacharakis; Constantinos Spanos; G. Georgantis; Dimitrios Kiskinis
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 276–279.
Value of Radiographic Esophageal Imaging in Determining an Optimal Atrial Septal Puncture Site for Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 280–283.
Changing Prevalence of Asthma and Allergic Diseases among Kuwaiti Children: An ISAAC Study (Phase III)
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 284–289.
Psychiatric Disorders in Tsunami-Affected Children in Ranong Province, Thailand
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 290–295.
Viral, Bacterial and Parasitic Etiology of Pediatric Diarrhea in Gaza, Palestine
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 296–301.
Oral Health and Treatment Needs among 18-Year-Old Iranians
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 302–307.
Molecular Typing of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated in a Bahrain Hospital
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 308–314.
Self-Medication Practices among Diabetic Patients in Kuwait
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 315–320.
Rare Hemoglobin Variant Hb Yaizu Observed in Turkey
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Erol Ömer Atalay; Ayfer Atalay; Hasan Koyuncu; Onur Öztürk; Aylin Köseler; Anzel Özkan; Sanem Demirtepe
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 321–324.
Cell-Mediated Immune Responses to Complex and Single Mycobacterial Antigens in Tuberculosis Patients with Diabetes
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Tuberculosis and Respiratory System 2019
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 325–330.
Prevalence of Goiter among Children Aged 11–16 Years in Ahwaz, Iran
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 331–333.
Serum Micronutrient and Micromineral Concentrations and Ratios in Healthy Omani Subjects
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 334–339.
Case Report
Ossifying Fibromyxoid Tumor of Soft Parts: Report of a Rare Tumor in Kuwait
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 340–342.
A Rare Complication of Central Catheter in an Infant with Intestinal Failure
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 343–345.
Hoffmann’s Syndrome: A Case Report
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 346–348.
Short Communication
Malondialdehyde and Nitric Oxide Levels in Erythrocytes from Patients with Systemic Sclerosis
Subject Area:
General Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2008) 17 (4): 349–350.